Location Caserita Apart


Caserita Apart is located in the Sopocachi district, in Rosendo Gutierrez Street #1063 (almost at the corner of Jaimes Freyre Street).


Neighborhood map

You can also consult the map of the area near Caserita Apart: click here

Caserita Apart is located in La Paz in the district of Sopocachi, an intermediate neighborhood between the noisy and crowded city center and the southern area of ​​the city, rich and quiet. Sopocachi is a pleasant and safe district where there are many bars and restaurants, it is the privileged area of ​​foreigners and Bolivians of middle class.
Caserita Apart is located on the heights of this district, in an area far from department stores and large impersonal buildings and where there are still multiple local shops (the Caseritas).
From there, in a 5 minutes walked, we reach the Plaza Espana and the Plaza Avaroa, where most of the restaurants and bars are located. In Plaza Espana there are distributors where you can withdraw money safely.
Two blocks down from Plaza Avaroa, on Avenida Arce there is the multicine, commercial center and cinema for the general public that offers the latest major productions in 2D or 3D.
Near, there is the Bolivian Cinematheque where you can enjoy the latest small productions, films of authors or French (Thursday), Brazilian (Wednesday), Spanish (Tuesday) or German (Thursday).
If you want to travel by taxi (the elevation and altitude you may need) a race costs about 1 euro - 1 dolars - 7 Bolivianos.
You will find many public transport at any time of the day in the street of Caserita and the rest of the city (trufis direct to the center, mini bus to Miraflores). To go to the south zone you have to change once in the street 6 de agosto or walk down there (10 min.).
If you want to call a taxi, we put at your disposal a list of trusted phone number that you can contact yourself or ask us to call for you. At the corner of the street there is also a taxi office.
The district is also full of small local shops and fast food (hamburgers, chicken, almuerzos, etc.). In the small grocery stores you will find everything you will need and as well as fruits, vegetables and fresh bread. There are also two bookstores where you can make photocopies and buy office stuff, a butcher's shop, an Internet café with phones.
The nearest supermarket (Ke-Tal), which also serves fast food, is located in Plaza Espana.
At the corner of the street there is a gymnasium, the Olimpo.
Finally a 2 minute walk down is a sauna with steam room, swimming pool, massages and cafeteria.
Caserita Apart is located in a quiet, authentic area where you can find all the comodities mentioned above.

Calle Rosendo Gutierrez #1063 Casi Jaimes Freyre


Email: contact@caseritaaparthotel.com                     
Tel.: (591) 2 2418975
Tel. / whatsapp: (591) 67066775

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